Popular Knowledge in the Field of Health: Decolonial Analysis



coloniality of knowledge, popular knowledge, scientific knowledge, primary health care, family health.


Health teams do not always recognize popular knowledge as knowledge and in the field of primary health, particularly family health, its articulation with scientific rationality is fundamental. A debate is established from a critical hermeneutic perspective to unveil the elements that denote the hegemonic presence of modern Western rationality in the field of health, with emphasis on the role of popular knowledge as its epistemic and political counterdiscourse, its antithesis, and its own paradigmatic and methodological support applied in the actions. The understanding of the contributions of the theoretical frameworks from an articulation with the practical and academic experience allows an appreciation opposed to the subaltern position that has suffered the knowledge and popular culture about health, and to know that the structural bases of power in the relations of the field of health respond to the dynamics of the coloniality of scientific knowledge, and they are an expression of the historical legacy of the conquest in our lands.


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Author Biography

Luis Vivero Arriagada, Universidad Católica de Temuco

Asistente Social, Licenciado en Trabajo Social, Magíster en Ciencias Sociales Aplicadas, Doctor en Procesos Sociales y Políticos en América Latina. Académico e Investigador Departamento de Trabajo Social Universidad Católica de Temuco, Direcotr Magíster en Trabajo Social



How to Cite

Vivero Arriagada L. Popular Knowledge in the Field of Health: Decolonial Analysis. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 4 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];48(3). Available from: https://revsaludpublica.sld.cu/index.php/spu/article/view/1290