Social Determinants of Health and Mortality from Cardiovascular Disease in Older Adults


  • Naifi Hierrezuelo Rojas Policlínico Ramón López Peña.
  • German Rio Del Rio Caballero Centro de Desarrollo Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Dr Joaquín Castillo Duany
  • Alfredo Hernández Magdariaga Policlínico Camilo Torres Restrepo. Servicio Asistencia Médica. Santiago de Cuba.
  • Rolando Bonal Ruiz Policlínico Ramón López Peña.
  • Marileydis Avila Vazquez Policlínico Camilo Torres Restrepo


older adult, cardiovascular disease, social determinants of health, mortality.


Introduction: The etiology and pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases are multifactorial, complex and specific, which appear over time. Its development and progression to death occur under the influence of health specific and social determinants.

Objective: To identify the health social determinants associated with mortality from cardiovascular diseases in older adults.

Methods: An observational, retrospective, case-control analytical study was carried out on older adult patients of three health areas of Santiago de Cuba municipality during 2021. The study population consisted of 357 patients who died from one of cardiovascular diseases of the atherosclerotic type, ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease (cases), and another group of living older adult patients who suffer from these diseases (controls). In order to check the association strength among qualitative variables, the non-parametric Pearson chi-square test was selected. A 5% significance level was used.

Results: Low income, poor living conditions, poor accessibility to healthy foods, family support, family dysfunction and variables related to the quality of medical care showed significant statistical association with mortality.

Conclusions: There is a relationship between social determinants of health and mortality from cardiovascular diseases, with greater contribution from economic and family factors and quality of medical care.



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How to Cite

Hierrezuelo Rojas N, Del Rio Caballero GR, Hernández Magdariaga A, Bonal Ruiz R, Avila Vazquez M. Social Determinants of Health and Mortality from Cardiovascular Disease in Older Adults. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 4 [cited 2025 Jan. 14];49(3). Available from: