Cost of Obtaining Autologous Platelet-rich Plasma in open Outpatient Technique in Camagüey


  • Lidyce Quesada Leyva MINSAP
  • Ever Quintana Verdecia
  • Elisabeth Nicolau Pestana
  • Dayami Bembibre Mozo
  • Ramona Cruz Pérez
  • Alexis Ricardo Gregori Caballero


autologous platelet-rich plasma, costs, cost analysis, outpatient open technique, Camagüey.


Introduction: Efficiency in the distribution of resources is a frequent guideline in discussions of the production of a product, because with the increase in health expenses and with increasingly limited economic resources, in relation to the application of these Resources must be based on the evaluation of Health technologies.

Objective: To evaluate the costs generated for obtaining autologous platelet-rich plasma in the open outpatient technique.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out, with a quantitative approach, to estimate the direct and indirect cost of autologous platelet-rich plasma, accounting data was taken from the Camagüey Medical Supplies Establishment.

Results: The establishment of the unit expense of the direct processes in obtaining autologous platelet rich plasma through the open outpatient technique with a total expense of $691.75 cuban pesos. The unit costs of the indirect processes to obtain the autologous platelet-rich plasma represent a total cost of $22.63 cuban pesos. The cost for the production of the platelet rich plasma considered was a total price of $714.38 cuban pesos, according to the exchange rate in Cuba it is $123.60 and the conversion US $5.77, which showed the best results in the study.

Conclusions: The cost of obtaining autologous platelet rich plasma in the open outpatient technique had a total cost of $714.38 cuban pesos, which showed a simple and low-cost procedure for a protocol of one work session corresponding to one day. In this way, it can be a feasible product for Primary Health Care.


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Author Biography

Lidyce Quesada Leyva, MINSAP

Profesor e investigador en el Cerntro de inmunología y productos biológicos en la Univerisdad de ciencias médicas de Camagüey



How to Cite

Quesada Leyva L, Quintana Verdecia E, Nicolau Pestana E, Bembibre Mozo D, Cruz Pérez R, Gregori Caballero AR. Cost of Obtaining Autologous Platelet-rich Plasma in open Outpatient Technique in Camagüey. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];50. Available from: