Well-Being in the Post-Pandemic Stage in Cuba


  • Nibaldo Hernández Mesa , Instituto de Ciencias básicas y preclínicas “Victoria de Girón”. La Habana, Cuba. Departamento Fisiología. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3695-7934
  • Luis Argelio Bell Heredia Instituto Nacional de Endocrinología MINSAP


well-being, human organism, vital functions, mechanisms, threats, synergistic factors, physical condition, post-pandemic.


Introduction: Well-being in the post-pandemic stage is the problem of this review. 

Objective: To explain the dynamic factors of the well-being of the human organism in the post-pandemic period. 

Methods: In order to find an effective answer, a search of the topic was carried out in the literature. Google Scholar was used. Articles related to the five topics were reviewed and those with the most evidence from the last 10 years were selected. 

Conclusions: Currently, when we are living after the COVID-19 pandemic, it is adaptive to incorporate the dynamic factors of well-being into our lifestyle. Fitness as a Trojan horse, activating the brain's reward circuitry increases the motivation and confidence needed to work successfully. With the motivation achieved in one factor, the remaining synergies are effectively incorporated. 



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Author Biographies

Nibaldo Hernández Mesa, , Instituto de Ciencias básicas y preclínicas “Victoria de Girón”. La Habana, Cuba. Departamento Fisiología.

Profesor Titular. Dr.C. Especialista de 2do Grado en Fisiología

Luis Argelio Bell Heredia, Instituto Nacional de Endocrinología MINSAP

Profesor Titular. Dr.C. Investigador Titular. Especialista de 2do Grado en Bioquímica



How to Cite

Hernández Mesa N, Bell Heredia LA. Well-Being in the Post-Pandemic Stage in Cuba. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 28];49(2). Available from: https://revsaludpublica.sld.cu/index.php/spu/article/view/3662