Marketing for the commercialization of educational services. A challenge for international competitiveness



educational services, marketing, marketing strategies


Introduction: Trade in educational services has developed from the consideration of education as something that is produced and sold. Today, service organizations, as well as educational organizations, will only endure if they compete successfully in domestic and international markets.

Objective: To raise awareness of the importance of making competitive the educational services available to the National Health System in Cuba.

Positioning of the author: It is the author's discretion that in the educational services offered, the social interest must prevail, whether those offered publicly or those that are commercialized, but without neglecting to take into account efficiency, rationality and flexibility. Achieve an adequate balance that allows commercialization without leaving behind the social objectives of education.

Conclusions: The work shows that it is possible to commercialize educational services of health sciences, beyond national borders, with a quality marketing strategy that makes them competitive in the international scenario.


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Author Biography

Jenry Carreño Cuador, Ministerio de Salud Pública

Doctor en Medicina, Especialista de II grado en Medicina General Integral



How to Cite

Carreño Cuador J. Marketing for the commercialization of educational services. A challenge for international competitiveness. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];49(1). Available from:



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