Organization Climate in Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy Polyclinic



organizational diagnosis, organization climate


Introduction: Management and service quality is determined by an efficient use of resources and by their organization. Objective: To propose actions that allow to improve the organizational climate of Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy University Polyclinic (Abreus Municipality, Cienfuegos Province, Cuba).

Methods: A descriptive research was carried out in the period from July to September 2015. The study universe was made up of the 141 workers belonging to the polyclinic. A stratified two-stage probabilistic sampling approach was used. The sample consisted of providers (37) and support staff (13). Three dimensions and their categories were used: organizational characteristics (motivation, communication, as well as interpersonal and work relationships), organizational structure (functioning, working conditions and stimulus to organizational development), and the management style dimension (leadership, involvement, conflict resolution and teamwork).

Results: A total of 58 actions were proposed upon the base of the following guidelines: participation of workers in quality management for the provided services and in decision-making to achieve services of excellence, acknowledgement for their performed work, improvement of working conditions, guaranteed professional upgrading, information and promotion, and the development of political, cultural and recreational activities.

Conclusions: The proposed system of actions is a valuable theoretical referent for the planning, organization, direction and control of institutional strategies.


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Author Biographies

Alina María Segredo Pérez, Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública. La Habana, Cuba (ENSAP)

Médico. Especialista de Primer y Segundo Grado en Medicina General Integral. Master en Ciencias en Atención Primaria de Salud y en Educación Médica. Profesora e Investigadora Auxiliar. Jefa del Departamento Docente Educación Posgraduada en Salud Pública de la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública. La Habana; Cuba.


María F. Casanova González

Doctor en Ciencias Médicas. Especialista de Segundo Grado en Neurofisiología. Profesora Titular del UCM de Cienfuegos. Jefe del Departamento de Neurofisiología Clínica del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario "Paquito González Cueto". Cienfuegos, Cuba.



How to Cite

Sánchez González M, Segredo Pérez AM, Casanova González MF. Organization Climate in Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy Polyclinic. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];48(3). Available from: